Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas Day, 2008

We woke up around 7ish on Christmas Day. This was the first year that Patty would be able to actually open her gifts. As I expected, she was much more fascinated by the paper than the presents. What I hadn't anticipated was how long it would take her to open each one. She spent about 15 minutes opening one or two gifts and was done with it! Matt and I ended up opening the rest.

We spent the first part of Christmas Day with the Wards and the other half at my grandma's. Here's a cute picture of Patty in my Gran's hat. A side note: My grandparents keep their home extremely warm, so we had to remove a couple of layers from Patty's Christmas outfit to keep her from melting!


Before the start of the holiday season, Matt and I had decided that one of Patty's Christmas gifts would be a baby doll. Of course, the baby would need to be the right size and weight (so that Patty, only 19 lbs herself, could actually play with her). Also, she would need to have brown skin. Now, I realize the color of a toy baby isn't important to lots of moms, but I grew up with a red-headed Cabbage Patch Doll and always wished that she looked more like me.

After trips to several stores, I found a doll that fit our criteria. I was so excited about it, I wasn't able to wait until Christmas to give her to Patty. "Baby" was a big hit! Patty immediately knew what to do with her and now takes her everywhere!