Monday, August 11, 2008

From System of a Down to Strauss (and most things in between)

Matt and I have a pretty eclectic taste in music; we love all types - everything from Blind Melon to Beyonce. In fact, the only genre we both find intolerable is Country! Neither of us has ever been a fan of classical music either (although, working for the opera wore me down a bit and I did begin to develop a slight taste for it). Having Patty has really encouraged us to add classical music to our already diverse mix since we don’t want to limit her exposure based on our preferences (except for Country – I have to draw a small line somewhere!). Besides, it’s pretty relaxing and really seems to calm her down when she’s being a grouch.

We make it a point to play a mix of R&B, alternative, classical, pop, rap, folk, etc. during Patty’s bath time, while riding in the car, cleaning the house, playing and so on. She seems to be developing a taste for music because she now dances when a song she likes comes on. She even dances when I sing (this makes my day because it’s pretty rare that anyone finds joy in my singing)! Her favorite song from my voice box is “Weenie Man” which was taught to me by my very own Aunt Gwen! I know I’ve made this claim before about other actions of Patty’s, but her dance moves are the cutest. Hands down. Okay, so she really only has two moves, but they’re solid folks!

I haven’t been quick enough to get footage yet, but as soon as I have some, you know I’ll share.