Thursday, July 16, 2009

School Days

Patterson Pearl started school a couple of weeks back. As you can imagine, we had a bit of a rocky start*. She cried, I cried. I cried, I cried!!! Here's a couple of pictures I took on her first day. She posed for the camera like a top model until I reminded her that she would be staying at school for the day. Then, she gave me the cutest worry-wart look (bottom photo).

Now, several weeks later, school is going great! She's got a wonderful team of teachers who really seem to like her a lot. And, she likes them too! She even claps at the mention of school (you go Patty!). She's still going only two days each week, but in the fall we plan to start her on a full time schedule.

*Regarding the "rocky start" I mentioned earlier, it was mostly parental error. Matt and I sort of forgot how much sleep she actually needs and we weren't getting her in bed early enough. As a result, she seemed to experience lots of anxiety throughout the day - rookie mistake! So to all the new parents out there, remember to adjust your little one's sleep schedule before sending them off to school!!