Friday, November 14, 2008

The Butterfly and The Bear

It just so happened that Patty's check-up fell on Halloween day. Yes, there were lots of shots involved which meant there were lots of tears involved. Now that Patty's older, the doctor's office introduced a new trick. As soon as the shots were done, the nurse rushed out for the real meds - suckers! Patty gave the sucker a once over then stuck it in her mouth. This was her first sucker experience and she enjoyed every single bit! Eventually, she held the sucker upside down and created a sticky mess.

After our visit to the doctor, we took Patty to the park for some relaxation. Between the sucker and play time at park, Patty was feeling much better.

Later on, Cousin Aiden came by to help pass out Halloween candy. We actually got about six door bell rings, which was up from last year's zero! But, the real fun was hanging out with the Bear (Aiden) and the Butterfly (Patterson Pearl). The cutest picture of the night was the one below when Aiden helped Patty to fix her costume (bottom).

Since they're still really young, I wasn't willing to give them any Halloween candy, but neither of them seemed to mind as long as we kept the Cheerios coming!

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