Monday, February 23, 2009


I know, I know I’ve been MIA. Trust me, I feel pretty bad, but I underestimated how busy a 16 month old could keep a person. This is a whole new world – she’s climbing, testing boundaries (and patience), singing, talking (non-stop) and having 4-6 meltdowns a day. Oh, and did I mention EATING? She’s got a ferocious appetite! For about two weeks in January, the two of us were very sick. Her one week, me the week following. When we took her to the doctor, she was back down to 19 lbs which is what she weighed at the one year mark. Her doctor, the all-knowing Dr. Shinn assured us that her appetite would “return with a vengeance.” Those were her exact words and she was SO right. Patterson wants a bite of whatever we’re eating. She can smell a cheddar cheese Pringle from 20 feet away. No matter what we're eating from hummus to a kit-kat, she hovers and sings “bite, bite, bite.” She’s also into green beans, corn, pears, grapes, etc. but she loves Pringles and Sun Chips above all.

Here’s a picture of Patty chowing down at McCallisters a couple of weeks ago. And, I through in a picture of her daddy looking super handsome.

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