Monday, July 28, 2008

The New Work Weeeek!

Recently, my employer implemented a 4-day work week to offset rising gas prices. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but it’s H-U-G-E to me because it means that I get to spend one extra day with the Princess, Patterson Pearl. It also means that we can give grandma a day off!

So far, my off days have been busy with errands, but at least Patty and I are together. Take last Friday, for instance. We left the house at 10 a.m. for shopping in Rockwall (there went the gas savings!), then we took Bassey for a groomer appointment, visited a prospective pre-school (yes, my sweet will be going to pre-school in the Fall – I’m tearing up just thinking about it), went grocery shopping and baked birthday cupcakes for my Aunt Gwen. Yes folks, I said baked! From scratch, I made Buttermilk Cupcakes with Chocolate Cream Cheese Icing. I got the recipe from the Food Network's “Down Home with the Neely’s.” The cupcakes tasted even better than they sound, the recipe was ridiculously easy to follow AND it only makes 12 cupcakes so you have enough to share with friends, but not enough to get yourself into trouble…unless you double the recipe, but that’s a different story!! So back to our “day off,” we ended the night with my Aunt Gwen’s birthday dinner and finally made it home around 10:30 p.m. I’m thinking we’ll make next Friday a day of relaxation! But whatever we do, we’ll be together!

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