Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Coming to a stage near you...

The Wards have a new pastime – Rock Band! OMG. We got it over the weekend and we’ve been rocking ever since, people. On Sunday night, my sissy, Chase and Aiden came over and rocked with us for a while – it was SO much fun. Matt, Patty and I stayed up late after they left to get some practice in (I hear Patty took several naps the next day to re-coup!)

Last night’s band included Dad on drums, Patty on vocals and Mom on guitar covering tunes like “Creep,” “Say It Ain’t So” and “When You Were Young.” I didn’t take the photo (right) last night, but I thought a picture of Patty rocking a mohawk would be fitting!

If you're in our area anytime soon, you must stop by for a couple of "sets."

Monday, September 29, 2008

Walk it out!

Couldn't help but post these pics of Patty walking. She's still "wobbly," but her confidence level is as if she's been doing this for years!

Fair Fun

Matt and I are crazy about the State Fair of Texas! It's one of the things we look forward to most in the fall. And, yes, we've been known to visit more than once each season during the Fair's three-week stretch. It's a bit out of character for me since, let's face it, we all know the State Fair is "germ central." But for some reason, I just love the atmosphere...and...the Texas Honey Bread...and...the people watching...and...the smoked corn...and...the ice cold root beer...and the Desperado Tacos...okay, I think you get it!
Patty objected to our attendance last year so we weren't able to visit Big Tex, but she made up for it this year! It was a steamy first State Fair experience, but she was ready. She shared a corny dog with her dad and people-watched like a champ! She even demanded we take her out of her stroller so that she could walk around - unassisted, no doubt! Lucky for us, we attended on opening day before the crowd reached it's peak.

The picture to the left is of Patty and Mattie kicking off fall at the State Fair.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just hangin'

It has been brought to my attention that I have not posted any photos in a while. Below is a picture of Patty from last month. I should note that in this photo she is hanging off the back of her infant bouncer. She now goes into her room to play and dance, but NEVER to sleep!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Proper Planning

Less than one month to go until Patty's first birthday. I cannot believe nearly a whole year has passed already. Even more amazing is the amount of growth that Patterson has experienced. As I was thinking about how she's changed since we brought her home (which really seems like yesterday), it occurred to me that I've changed a lot too. In only one year, Patty has already made me live a little better.

For instance, anyone who knows me knows that I'm big on planning. I am constantly making lists and outlining how things will get accomplished. Whether at work or home, I'm guaranteed to have on my person, a list of "whats and hows." I've even been known to throw in a few timelines for a little fun! Hanging out with Patty hasn't stopped me from making my lists - and checking them twice - but it has taught me to be a bit more flexible. I'm learning that it's no big deal when things aren't completed exactly according to my plan. No need to get my stomach in knots - just try to enjoy the ride (or, be sure to have a contingency plan - just kidding).

I have also developed an improved awareness of others. I don't mean to paint a false picture because I've always noticed and appreciated the efforts of people around me. But lately, I've been more interested in the paths that have lead to their success or failure. I, like the rest of you, have been captivated by the political and Olympic coverage over the past several weeks. No matter your political views, I'm sure that we can all agree that we've seen some pretty jaw-dropping performances over the past several months, right?!?! I've wondered over and over again what paths led to the making of a Michelle Obama or Michael Phelps or Lo Lo Jones. They, no doubt, had obstacles to overcome just like the rest of us. So, what set them apart from the non-success stories? I'm convinced it's more than destiny!

As I sent out the invitations for Patty's first birthday celebration, I got excited thinking about all the future celebrations that we will experience together over the years. My plan for her is no different than that of other mothers. I want to set her on a path to accomplish more than anyone thinks she's capable of and help some folks along the way.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Walker, Texas Walker

A couple of years back when I worked for the American Heart Association’s National Center, my department participated in the Heart Walk. This particular year, we had what I thought was a pretty clever team name - “Walker, Texas Walker” a play on “Walker, Texas Ranger.” Get it? Maybe you had to be there...

Anyway, I’m happy to announce that Matt and I have our very own Texas Walker! Yep, Patty’s walking!! She started last weekend and is now up to about six quick steps in a row before she proudly takes a seat and claps for herself. I can hardly believe how quickly this kid is growing up!

To my Gran’s horror, we decided to let her learn to walk sans shoes. We did some research and learned that babies learn better when their bare feet can grip the surface and they aren’t bogged down with those big, high-top walking shoes! And, they’re so unattractive! I’ve yet to find a cute pair!