Saturday, June 14, 2008

Popeye has graduated

Patty had never been a big fan of “tummy time.” We’d get her to play on her tummy for about 45 seconds, and then she was done. I mean screaming done! Once she mastered rolling over, she enjoyed being on her stomach much more. She quickly graduated from lying on her tummy, to pretending to fly (sometimes screaming in frustration), to scooting backwards, to dragging her body around with her arms! To be honest, when I first noticed this dragging situation, I was concerned. I asked Matt if he thought something was wrong with her legs since she wasn’t using them to get around. He said “no, but she’s going to look like Popeye if she doesn’t start crawling soon.” ( Jeez, dad! Can you believe we are in charge of managing every aspect of someone’s development? Me neither!) So, Popeye dragged herself around for about a week and a half, and then over Memorial Weekend, she went for it! She finally started crawling! She’s gotten pretty fast and her favorite things to do are chase Bassey around the room and find the smallest little piece of anything to put in her mouth. Matt tells me that when he gets home from work and Patty’s grandma leaves for the day, Patty chases her to the door and waits for her to come back in!

Up next, WALKING!!

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